Pioneer Symposia

2025 KPS Spring Meeting   April 23-25, 2025   Daejeon Convention Center 1

Pioneer symposia are consisted of several invited talks on hot issues of physics sub-fields. Each symposium is made in English and extends at least 2 sessions in a meeting. Symposium titles and organizers of focus sessions for upcoming meeting are as follows.

1) Run III prospects and new wave from CMS experiment

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00-10:48, 16:10-17:58 / Rm. 01  


  [Organizers] YOO Hwidong (Yonsei Univ.), KIM Taejeong (Hanyang Univ.), YANG Un-ki (Seoul Nat’ Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • ALIMENA Juliette (CERN, Swiss): “Long Lived Particles and non-conventional BSM at Run III”
  • SKOVPEN Kirill (Ghent University, Belgium): “EFT exploration with the LHC Run III data”
  • PIERINI Maurizio (CERN, Swiss): “Exploiting anomaly detection for new physics identification at the LHC "
  • CHANG, Philip (UC San Diego, USA), “Multi-boson physics at CMS”
  • DASU Sridhard (Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison, USA): “Precision Higgs at CMS”
  • VANLAER, Pascal (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium),“Precision Higgs Physics"
  • TAIT Tim (UC Urvine, USA), “Theoretical Prospects of Run III at the LHC"
  • CHOI Suyong (Korea Univ., Korea): “Experimental Prospects of Run III at CMS"
In particle physics, the Standard Model was completed by the discovery of Higgs particles through LHC experiments for last 10 years. But it is still facing an important situation to discover physics beyond the Standard Model, such as dark matter, asymmetry between matter and anti-matter. The LHC accelerator and CMS experiment have been updated. The CMS experiment is scheduled to take the Run III data starting from 2022. In this symposium, we will discuss prospects of the Run III in theory and CMS experiment.

2) Symposium for Nuclear Experiment -Status of KoBRA, LAMPS, MMS, NDPS of RAON and their physics

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 13:00 - 17:22 / Rm. 03  


  [Organizers] KIM Eun Joo (Jeonbuk Univ), CHAI Kyungyuk (Sungkyunkwan Univ), CHOI Seonho (Seoul Univ), HONG Seung-Woo (Sungkyunkwan Univ)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KIM Yung Hee (Institut Laue-Langevin, France): “Reaching towards N=126 Shell Closure using Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reaction of 136Xe+198Pt”
  • TOGASHI Hajime (Tohoku University, Japan): “Effects of symmetry energy on inhomogeneous nuclear matter in core-collapse supernovae”
  • MURBOECK Tobias (TRIUMF, Canada): “Recent experiments and upgrades at the TITAN MR-TOF-MS at TRIUMF”
  • NISHIO Katsuhisa (JAEA, Japan) : “Fission study using multinucleon transfer reaction”
  • CHOI Seonho (Seoul National University) : “Study of Nuclear Shapes for Neutron Rich Isotopes”
  • KWEON Min Jung (Inha Univ.) : “Overview and status of the LAMPS experiment”
  • MOON Jun Young (RISP, IBS) : “Current status of the development of the mass measurement system (MRTOF-MS) at RAON”
  • HONG Seung-Woo (Sungkyunkwan Univ.): “Status of construction of NDPS facility”
Among the seven users experimental facilities in the heavy ion accelerator RAON, four facilities related to nuclear physics, KOBRA, LAMPS, MMS, and NDPS, are introduced, and possible future experiments using these facilities will be presented. This pioneer session will be a forum for discussing candidate experiments and physics goals.

3) Recent Advances in X-ray Science

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00 - 12:22 / Rm. 05  


  [Organizers] MUN Bongjin Simon (GIST), KANG Hyon Chul (Chosun Univ.), SONG Changyong (POSTECH)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KIM Yoonhee (European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility, Germany): “Nanoscale Au-Si eutectic mixtures formed by dewetting of a Au-Ni film on Si3N4: A Coherent X-ray Diffractive Imaging Study”
  • CHOI In Hyuk (GIST): “Ultrafast structural and carrier dynamics studied by optical pump-probe techniques”
  • Nemšák Slavomir (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA): “Structure and chemistry simultaneously studied by X-ray scattering and photoemission”
  • KIM Hyunjung (Sogang Univ.): “Ultrafast Phase Transformation by X-ray Free Light-induced Electron Laser”
  • SONG Changyong (POSTECH): “Observing ultrafast kinetics at quantum space-time domain with femtosecond X-rays”
  • KIM Changsoo (KRISS): “Dynamics in Spin Strucures”
  • KIM Hyo Jung (Pusan National Univ.): “In-situ observation of metal-halide perovskite crystal formation using synchrotron x-ray scattering”
Purpose: The symposium is aimed to provide latest progresses of X-ray science in the fields of in situ imaging, ultrafast dynamics in structure analysis, single pulse imaging, operando analysis, matters under extreme condition, and electronic/magnetic properties of emerging materials. The focus of the symposium lies on latest scientific findings as well as the instrumentation development in x-ray science.

4) Recent progress on the ARPES study with strain engineering

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:58 / Rm. 05  


  [Organizers] KIM Yeongkwan(KAIST), KIM Keun Su (Yonsei Univ.), PARK Seung Ryong (Inchon Nat. Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KING Phil (Univ. of St Andrews, UK): “ARPES studies of the uniaxial strain-driven Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4””
  • BAUMBERGER, Felix (Univ. of Geneva, Swiss): “Strain tuning of the metal insulator transition of Ca2RuO4 in angle-resolved photoemission experiments”
  • ZHANG Yan (Peking Univ. China): “ In situ strain tuning of the nematicity and superconductivity in iron-based superconductors”
  • PFAU Heike (Stanford University, USA): “Nematicity in BaFe2As2 studied with strain-dependent ARPES”
  • KONDO Takeshi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan): “Strain control of topological phases in quasi-1D stacked materials visualized by ARPES”
  • KIM Sunghun (KAIST): “Strain-controlled transition from a weak to strong topological insulator phase in a quasi-one-dimensional superconductor”
Pressure (or strain) is the one of key external parameter used in solid state physics that can tune the material property or induce the phase transition by changing the local lattice structure. It has been widely used in transport measurement or optical spectroscopy, however, rarely applied to the electron spectroscopy especially to angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Recently, number of pioneering ARPES works with uniaxial strain are reported, covering the metal-insulator transition, the topological phase transition, or the response of nematic phase upon strain. This pioneering session is designed to overviews those pioneering works and to share the related experience.

5) Prospect of magnetic skyrmion in spin device

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:22 / Rm. 10  


  [Organizers] HWANG Chanyong (KRISS), MIN Byoung-Chul (KIST)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • CROS Vincent (CNRS, France): ”Stabilization of zero-field skyrmions in ferromagnetic and synthetic antiferromagnetic systems”
  • CHOE Sug-Bong (Seoul National University): ”Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction at single metallic interfaces”
  • TSERKOVNYAK Yaroslav (UCLA, USA): ”Topological transport of deconfined hedgehogs in magnets”
  • SUZUKI Yoshishige (Osaka University, Japan.): ”Hidden skyrmion diffusion and device for the Brownian computing”
  • KLäUI Mathias (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany): ” Skyrmion dynamics - from individual ultrafast motion to diffusion and collective crystallization of 2D lattices”
  • SHIOTA Yoichi (Kyoto University, Japan): ”Propagating spin wave dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnets”
  • YANG Seungmo (KRISS): “Stabilization, Creation, Deletion and Shifting of Magnetic skyrmion toward Spintronics application”
  • CHOI Jun Woo (KIST): “Néel-type multilayer skyrmions stabilized at high temperature”
Spintronics has been rapidly progressed for the last decade and technics such as spin-transfer torque(STT) has already been adapted to the MRAM. Topological spin structure different from the conventional magnetic materials has drawn a lot of attention due to its unique characteristics such as low-power consumption and stability and is expected to be applied to next spin device. During this symposium, we would like to hear the current status and the prospect of magnetic skyrmion from the experts worldwide.

6) Spintronic Building-Blocks

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00 - 12:46 / Rm. 10  


  [Organizers] LEE Kyung-Jin (KAIST), JE Soong-Geun (Chonnam National Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • JIANG Wanjun (Tsinghua University, China): “Thermal effects on the skyrmion dynamics”
  • KIM Junyeon (RIKEN, Japan): “Orbital for efficient spin manipulation”
  • SOUMYANARAYANAN Anjan (National University of Singapore, Singapore): ”Creating and Manipulating Magnetic Skyrmions”
  • IM Mi-Young (LBNL, US): ” Magnetic Skyrmions Studied by Full-Field Soft X-ray Microscopy”
  • GO Dongwook (Peter Grünberg Institut, Germany): ” Orbital torque in Cr-based heterostructures: A theoretical perspective”
  • KIM Kyoung-Whan (KIST): ” Self-generated spin torque in spin-orbit coupled ferromagnets”
  • LEE Soogil (KAIST): ”Orbital Hall effect induced spin-orbit torque through efficient conversion from orbital Hall current to spin current”
Facing the ever-growing demands for the data storage in the upcoming artificial intelligence era, various types of spintronic devices have been proposed. To realize high density, ultrafast and energy efficient novel spintronics devices, understanding underlying physics of spintronic building blocks, such as spin-torque and magnetic spin texture, is highly required. In this pioneer symposium, we will discuss recent progress of such building blocks and emerging spin-torque phenomena.

7) Transferable epitaxy for multifunctional–multistack flexible device fabrications

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00 - 12:46 / Rm. 18  


  [Organizers] HONG Young Joon (Sejong Univ.), CHUNG Kunook (UNIST), KIM Sungkyu (Sejong Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KIM Jeehwan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA): “Challenges and opportunities in remote epitaxy for releasable epilayers on graphene”
  • YOO Jinkyoung (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA): “Hybrid van der Waals heterostructures for quantum materials research”
  • LEE Kyusang (University of Virginia, USA): “Compound Semiconductor based Thin-Film and Flexible Optoelectronics”
  • BAE Sang-Hoon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA): “Stackable 2D and 3D materials for mixed dimensional heterostructures”
  • YI Gyu-Chul (Seoul National University): “Semiconductor Nanostructures Grown on Graphene Films”
  • KIM Sungkyu (Sejong University): “Atomic-scale observation of epitaxial growth through two-dimensional materials”
  • LEE Dong-Seon (GIST): ”Stability of Graphene on GaN for the Realization of Ⅲ-Nitride Remote Epitaxy”
  • CHUNG Kunook (UNIST): “Transferable GaN layers grown on two dimensional layered materials”
Solid-state electronics are currently under development toward fabrication of freeform and multi-stack structures beyond the semiconductor miniaturization. For deformability, the film-form semiconductors need the lift-off from wafer and the transfer/assembly process. Emerging non-covalent epitaxies, which are the van der Waals and remote epitaxy, are regarded as ideal semiconductor epitaxy technique suitable to fabricate flexible and multi-stack electronics. In this Pioneer Symposium, the main issues of i) remote and van der Waals epitaxy; ii) selective epitaxy and transfer techniques; iii) flexible device fabrications; iv) multi-stack and 3D device fabrications are discussed.

8) The 6th Korea-Japan joint symposium on Organic Electronics: Recent advances on organic semiconductor materials and devices

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00 - 12:58 / Rm. 11  


  [Organizers] LEE Takhee (Seoul National University), LEE Tae-Woo (Seoul National University), YI Yeonjin (Yonsei University), LIM Eunju (Dankook University)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • MIYAMAE Takayuki (Chiba University, Japan): "Operand measurements of the organic devices by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy”
  • FUKAGAWA Hirohiko (Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan): "Efficient electron injection into organic semiconductors utilizing bases”
  • ISHII Hiroyuki (Tsukuba University, Japan): "Charge Transport Simulations of Organic Semiconductors for Materials Development”
  • YOKOTA Tomokazu (University of Tokyo): ”Conformable image sensor for biomedical application”
  • KIM Jin-Young (UNIST): “Aesthetic and Colorful: Dichroic Polymer Solar Cells Using High-Performance Fabry-Pérot Etalon Electrodes with a Unique Sb2O3 Cavity”
  • KIM Jeong-Won (KRISS) : “Charge carrier dynamics at organic interface by 2-photon photoemission”
  • SEO Jang-Won (KRICT): “Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells via Improved Carrier Management and Their Potential Applications”
  • KANG Kee-Hoon (Yonsei University, from March 2021): ”Molecular doping routes for organic electronics”
Organic semiconductor is a next-generation semiconductor material that is lightweight, flexible, and can be made easily and inexpensively along with low-temperature processes in various applications such as flexible display, electronic paper, and RFID. Understanding of details of the operation mechanism, especially the fundamental physical phenomena related to organic semiconducting thin films and interfaces of the organic devices are critically important to improve the performance of organic electronic devices. In this 6th Korea-Japan joint symposium, leading scientists from Korea and Japan on organic electronics field will introduce their recent research results regarding fundamental studies on the organic devices and applications. Researchers and students will learn the recent research advances on organic electronics from the presentations provided in this symposium.

9) 3D Effects in Tokamak Fusion Plasmas

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 09:00 - 12:22 / Rm. 15  


  [Organizers] NA Yong-Su (Seoul Nat. Univ.), IN Yongkyoon (UNIST), PARK Jong-Kyu (Princeton Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • PAZ-SOLDAN Carlos (Columbia Univ., USA): “Plasma performance without ELMs in DIII-D: RMP and other methods”
  • YANG SeongMoo (Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., USA): “Regulating 3D Neoclassical Transport in Tokamak for Plasma Rotation Control”
  • GHIM Young-chul (KAIST): “Nonlinear energy flows from low frequency electromagnetic fluctuations to broadband turbulence during ELMs”
  • KIM Kimin (KFE): “Impact of 3D magnetic field on confinement and energetic particle transport in KSTAR”
  • YUN Gun-Su (POSTECH): “3D imaging diagnostics of tokamak plasmas”
  • KIM S. K. (Princeton University, USA): “Optimizing tokamak pedestal confinement via adaptive ELM control using 3D field”
Tokamak, a promising fusion reactor concept, has 2D symmetry but its 3D effects are found to alter fusion plasma equilibrium, transport, and stability significantly. The superconducting tokamak, KSTAR also shows these effects. We invite scholars from Princeton Univ. and Columbia Univ. leading world research in this field to address these 3D effects in tokamak.

10) Frontiers in Cold Molecules

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 14:00 - 18:22 / Rm. 17  


  [Organizers] ZHAO Bum Suk (UNIST), CHAE Eunmi (Korea Univ.), PARK Jee Woo (POSTECH)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KÜPPER Jochen (Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Germany): “Cold-molecule techniques for ultrafast-dynamics studies”
  • TRUPPE Stefan (Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Germany): “Optical cycling of Aluminium Monofluoride (AlF) - towards a high-density gas of laser cooled polar molecules”
  • NARECICIUS Edvardas (Weizmann Institute, Israel): “Collisions between cold molecules in a superconducting magnetic trap”
  • WANG Dajun (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China): “Collisions of Ultracold Ground-state NaRb Molecules”
  • SON Hyoungmok (Harvard, USA): “Feshbach resonances in collisions of ultracold triplet ground state 23Na6Li with 23Na”
  • LIM Jongseok (Imperial College, UK): “Measuring the electron electric dipole moment using an array of ultracold molecules”
  • PARK Jee Woo (POSTECH): “Ultracold dipolar molecules: a new platform for quantum simulation and computing”
  • CHAE Eunmi (Korea Univ.): “Torwards ultracold molecular quantum machine”
Cold molecules have attracted a lot of attentions as a next-generation workhorse in AMO physics thanks to their rich internal structures and strong electric dipole-dipole interactions. During the last decade, people have pioneered ways to create various cold/ultracold molecules by applying lasers, microwaves, and electromagnetic fields to atoms and molecules. This has opened opportunities in quantum engineering of chemical reactions and quantum simulation of systems with long-range interactions. In this Pioneer Symposium, we invite speakers from frontiers of creating and manipulating cold molecules and discuss about the future applications of cold/ultracold molecules in quantum simulation, quantum chemistry and precision measurements.

11) The 3rd Korea-Taiwan Joint Workshop

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 14:00 - 18:10 / Rm. 18  


  [Organizers] KIM Yongmin (Dankook Univ.), KIM Jong Su (Yeungnam Univ), CHANG Wen-Hao (National Chiao Tung Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • GUO Tzung-Fang (National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), TAIWAN): “Probing the ionic effect in MAPbBr3 perovskite LED”
  • JENG U-Ser (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), TAIWAN): “Unveiling the Nucleation Kinetics of Nanoparticle-Seeded Perovskite Solar Cells by Time-Resolved GIXS”
  • CHU Chih-Wei (Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica): “Bipolar Metal Oxide Charge Transporting Layers for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells”
  • PAO Chun-Wei (Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica): “Atomistic Simulations of Perovskite Materials from First-Principles to Machine Learning”
  • LU Yu-Jung (Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica): “Two-Photon-Pumped Perovskite Plasmonic Nanolasers”
  • LEE Chang Lyoul (APRI, GIST): “Realization of High Efficient and Stable Perovskite Quantum Dots for Light Emitting Diodes”
  • KIM Soo Young (Korea University): “Enhanced Stability of Cesium Lead Halide Quantum Dots through Nickel Substitution and Ligand Exchange”
  • LEE Sangwook (Kyungpook National University): “Exploration of halide perovskites via a classic solid-state reaction”
  • IM Hyun Sik (Dongguk Univ): “Metal halide Perovskite nanocrystals based highly efficient liquid scintillators”
  • HAN Tae-Hee (Hanyang University): “Defect Manipulation for Perovskite Solar Cells and Light-emitting Diodes”
In the Korea-Taiwan Joint Workshop, we invite excellent researchers in the field of semiconductor physics in Taiwan to study recent research trends in the field of semiconductor physics in both countries and serves deep discussions to both country researcher for international collaboration.

12) The 2nd Korea- North Macedonia Joint Workshop

   Time/Room: April 22 (Thursday) 16:10 - 20:10 / Rm. 19  


  [Organizers] JEONG Mun Seok (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), KIM Jong Su (Yeungnam Univ), TANUSHEVSKI Atanas (Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • TANUSHEVSKI Atanas (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Republic of North Macedonia): “Influence of thermal treatment of thin films of SnS with SnCl2 solution on their structural and optical properties”
  • RENDEVSKI Stojan (Nazarbayev Intellectual School & Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ., Republic of North Macedonia): “Inhomogeneity of calcium alginate hydrogels inspected by dynamic laser light scattering”
  • SKEPAROVSKI Aleksandar (Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ., Republic of North Macedonia): “Effects of O2 annealing on the charge trapping performance of Al2O3/HfO2 multilayer based memory devices”
  • NOVKOVSKI Nenad (Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ., Republic of North Macedonia): “Refined modeling of leakage and capacitance characteristics of nanostructures”
  • PETRESKA Irina (Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univ., Republic of North Macedonia): “Electron transport on the molecular scale via examples of π-conjugated oligomers: ab initio simulations and models”
  • JEONG Mun Seok (Sungkyunkwan Univ.): “Exploring Defect-induced Raman mode of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides monolayer using tip-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy”
  • Hwang Do Kyung (KIST): “2D dimensional van der Walls heterostructure for advanced optoelectronic applications”
  • KIM Ki Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.): “Synthesis of single-crystal two-dimensional monolayer films on a wafer scale”
  • CHUNG Kwun Bum (Dongguk Univ.): “Unoccupied states in oxide thin film transistor using analysis of electronic structure”
  • KIM Jae Hyun (DGIST): “Performance Improvement of Li4Ti5O12 based materials as anode for Li-ion batteries and a new composite solid state electrolyte”
In the Korea- North Macedonia Joint Workshop, we invite excellent researchers in the field of semiconductor physics in North Macedonia to study recent research trends in the field of semiconductor physics in both countries and serves deep discussions to both country researcher for international collaboration.