Institutional Special Session
Institutional special sessions are organized by Institutions as KIAS, IBS, KIST, KISTI, KRISS, PAL, etc. These sessions provide a variety of information, including research areas, on specific and characteristic topics being researched by the institutions.
"PAL, Next footprints: PLS-II and 4GSR"
운영자(포항가속기연구소): 강흥식, 박재헌, 박성주, 김기정 [Organizer: KANG Heung-Sik (PAL), PARK Jaehun(PAL), PARK Sungjoo(PAL), KIM Ki-jeong(PAL)]
Time/Room : October 25 (Friday) 08:30 - 11:42 / (Yeosu World Expo Memorial Hall) Meeting Rm 1
포항가속기연구소는 PLS-II 운영과 함께 다목적방사광가속기인4GSR 구축을 위한 가속장치와 초기 10기 빔라인 설계에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 현재, PLS-II는 36기 빔라인의 안정적인 운영과 더불어, 가속기와 저장링의 성능 향상 및 에너지소재 분석 플랫폼의 역할을 하게 될 High Energy X-ray 빔라인 건설이 진행되고 있습니다. 4GSR은 실시설계가 마무리되었으며, 이를 기반으로 설계 최적화 및 건설을 위한 준비가 진행중입니다. 이번 기관 세션에서는, PLS-II와 4GSR 구축 현황 및 향후 방향성에 대해 논의하고자 합니다.
Pohang Accelerator Laboratory(PAL) is putting a lot of effort into designing the accelerator and the initial 10 beamlines to build 4GSR along with the operation of PLS-II. Currently, PLS-II is in the process of improving the performance of the accelerator and storage ring along with the stable operation of 36 beamlines, and construction of a high-energy X-ray beamline that will serve as an energetic material analysis platform is in progress. The detailed design of 4GSR has been completed, and design optimization and construction preparations are in progress based on this. In this institutional session, we would like to discuss the current status and future direction of PLS-II and 4GSR construction.