Focus Sessions

2025 KPS Spring Meeting   April 23-25, 2025   Daejeon Convention Center 1

Focus sessions are comprised of several invited talks on emerging or hot issues of physics sub-fields. Participants can enter the virtual rooms by accessing the oral presentation program from our website. Session titles and organizers of focus sessions for upcoming meeting are as follows.


[APCTP-KPS-JPS meeting] Distinguished Lectures - SIN Sang-Jin (Hanyang Univ.), KIM Changyoung (Seoul National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue :: November 6 (Fri) / 15:00~18:00 / Rm. 20

[Invited Speakers]

HASHIMOTO Koji (Osaka Univ.): "Quantum chaos and black holes"
LEE Young Hee (Sungkyunkwan Univ., IBS): "Towards room-temperature Tc in van der Waals layered magnetic semiconductors"
KIM Yeongduk (IBS): "Recent advances with neutrino program in Korea"
TOKURA Yoshinori (RIKEN, Univ. of Tokyo): "Emergent electromagnetic phenomena from topological magnets"

[APCTP-KPS-JPS meeting] Theoretical opportunities for Xe1t anomaly - LEE Hyun Min (Chungang Univ.), PARK Seong Chan (Yonsei Univ.), NAKAYA Tsuyoshi (Kyoto Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 11:10 - 13:10 / Rm. 01

[Invited Speakers]

TAKAHASHI Fuminobu (Tohoku Univ.): “Review of theoretical models explaining the XENON1T excess”
KAZAMA Shingo (Nagoya Univ.): “Observation of excess electronic recoil events in XENON1T”
LEE Hyun Min (Chung-Ang Univ.): “Exothermic Dark Matter for XENON1T Excess”
PARK Seongchan (Yonsei Univ.): “Leptonic new forces for Xe1t anomaly”
PARK Jong-Chul (Chungnam National Univ.): “Implications of Dark Matter Interpretation”

Cornerstone for future collider projects - MOON Chang-Seong, LEE Sehwook (Kyungpook National Univ.), GHO Junghwan (Kyung Hee Univ.), YOO Jae Hyeok (Korea Univ.), LIM Sang Hoon (Pusan National Univ.), LEE Jason Sang Hun (Univ. of Seoul), YOO Hwi-Dong (Yonsei Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~11:12, 14:00-15:48, 16:10-18:10 / Rm. 01

[Invited Speakers]

WIGMANS Richard (Texas Tech Univ.), “Calorimetry in the 21st Century”
STUART David (UCSD), “Fast timing using silicon sensors with intrinsic gain in the CMS upgrade”
KLUTE Markus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "Future Circular e+ e- Colliders"
GOTO Yuji (RIKEN), "Overview of EIC and Calorimeter"
MOON Chang-Seong (Kyungpook National Univ.), “ASIC Development for LGAD-based CMS Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) Upgrade”
YOO Hwidong (Yonsei Univ.), “Dual-Readout Calorimeter R&D in Korea for future e+ e- colliders”
KIM Yongsun (Sejong Univ.), “Opportunity in EIC physics for the control case study of relativistic heavy ion experiments”
LEE Jason (Univ. of Seoul), ”ML application for future e+ e- colliders”
YOO Jae Hyeok (Korea Univ.), "Plan for LGAD sensor testing in Korea"
GOH Junghwan (Kyunghee Univ.), "HPC application for future collider projects"
LIM Sanghoon (Pusan National Univ.), "Development of silicon trackers for EIC"
JO Hyon-Suk (Kyungpook National Univ.), "Nucleon tomography with GPDs at the EIC"

Physics of Extreme Nuclear Matters - HONG Byungsik (Korea Univ.), NAM Seungil (Pukyong National Univ.), CHEOUN Myung-ki (Soongsil Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00 - 16:24 / Rm. 03

[Invited Speakers]

HYODO Tetsuo (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.): “Lambda(1405) as a hadronic molecule”
KWEON Minjung (Inha Univ.): “Heavy flavor measurements and new observables in the future with ALICE”
CHO Sungtae (Kangwon National Univ.): “Hadron production models in heavy ion collisions”
NAM Seungil (Pukyong National Univ.): “Lattice-QCD projects in CENuM”
HYUN Chang-Ho (Daegu Univ.): “Revisiting nuclear symmetry energy with KIDS density functional”
KIM Kyungsik (Korea Aerospace Univ.): “Quasi-elastic (e; e′p) reaction using various nuclear models”

[APCTP-KPS-JPS meeting] New Prospects on Strong QCD and Hadrons - KIM Hyun-Chul (Inha Univ.), NAM Seungil (Pukyong National Univ.), CHEOUN Myung-ki (Soongsil Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~10:36 / Rm. 03

[Invited Speakers]

HOSAKA Atsushi (Osaka Univ): “Heavy baryon spectroscopy”
JIDO Daisuke (Tokyo Institute of Tech.): “Diquark perspective on hadron structure”
AHN Jung-Keun (Korea Univ.): "Production of multi-quark baryon states with hadron beams"
YANG Ghil-Seok (Soongsil Univ.): “Isospin mass differences of singly heavy baryons"

High-pressure physics - KIM Duck Young (HPSTAR), KIM Jaeyong (Hanyang univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:36, 14:00~15:36, 16:10~17:46 / Rm. 06

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Kee Hoon (Seoul National Univ.), "Opportunities of high-pressure researches as an effective route for tuning electronic states of solids"
LEE Geun Woo (KRISS), "Multi-step pathways of water freezing and ice melting under dynamic compression"
PARK Tuson (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Pressure-induced superconductivity in the double helical antiferromagnet CrAs"
LEE Yun Hi (KRISS), "Crystal growth in water and aqueous solutions under dynamic compression condition"
HAN Myung Joon (KAIST), "Emerging New Quantum Phases in GaTa4Se8 under pressure"
KIM Sooran (Kyungpook National Univ.), "Pressure-induced phase transitions and superconductivity in magnesium carbides"
KIM Heejung (Korea Foundation for Max Planck POSTECH), "Extraordinary pressure-induced quantum phase transition from superconducting to charge-density wave state in LuPd2In"
JANG Bo Gyu (HPSTAR), "Oxygen driven structural stability and enhancement of electron correlation in hexagonal structured iron at Earth’s inner core conditions "
LEE Sung Keun (Seoul National Univ.), "메가바 이상의 극한 환경에서의 산화물의 전자-결합구조의 실험적규명"
LEE Yongjae (Yonsei Univ.), "XFEL-Induced Synthesis of ε-Iron Nitride at High Pressures"
KIM Jae Yong (Hanyang Univ.), "Structure and Transport Properties of Potassium Hydrides under High Temperature and Pressure of Hydrogen"
JO Youn Jung (Kyungpook National Univ.), "Enhanced activation energy at a possible hidden antiferromagnetic phase in FeSe under pressure"

Nano/Mesoscopic system, Graphene and Topological Materials - KIM Jun Sung (POSTECH)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 16:10~17:58 / Rm. 05

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Tae-Hwan (POSTECH): "Two-dimensional chiral stacking orders in quasi-one-dimensional charge density waves"
YOO Hyobin (Sogang Univ.): "Atomic and electronic reconstruction in the twisted bilayer graphene"
KIM Minsoo (University of Manchester, UK) :"Control of electron-electron interaction in graphene by proximity screening"

Nano/Mesoscopic system: Quantum Coherence in Condensed Matter - SIM Heung-Sun (KAIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:12 / Rm. 05

[Invited Speakers]

BAE Myung-Ho (KRISS): "Intermediate-excitation single electron source"
LEE Donghun (Korea Univ.): "Imaging current flow in transport devices using a solid-state spin magnetometer"
LEE Gil-Ho (POSTECH): "Graphene-based Josephson junction microwave bolometer"

Theoretical progress of Spin-orbitronics - RHIM Sonny (Univ. of Ulsan)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~16:00 / Rm. 07

[Invited Speakers]

GO Dongwook (Forschungszentrum Jülich), "Orbital transport from first-principles"
KIM Kyoung-Whan (KIST): "Diffusive transport of orbital angular momentum"
LEE Hyun-Woo (POSTECH): "Berry phase effects and anomaly in Kramers-Weyl semimetals with single Weyl point"
KIM Sei Kwon (KAIST): "Spin-orbit-coupling-enabled topological hydrodynamics "

Synchrotron x-ray studies for advanced electronic materials and quantum mechanical properties - CHANG Young Jun (Univ. of Seoul), LEE Dong Ryeol (Soongsil Univ.), CHOI Jun Woo (KIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 16:10~17:58, November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:22 / Rm. 07

[Invited Speakers]

LEE Yong Jae (Yonsei Univ.), “Ultrafast phase transition dynamics of iron by using laser impulse and XFEL probe”
LEE Ki-Suk (UNIST), "Time resolved measurement of topological spin structure by using soft x-ray microscopy"
CHOI Jun Woo (KIST), “Magnetic skyrmions in heterostructures”
CHUN Sae Hwan (Pohang Accerlator Laboratory), “Time-resolved characterization of next-generation materials by using 4th generation linear synchrotron light source XFEL (x-ray free electron laser)”
CHANG Seo Hyoung (Chung-Ang Univ.) “"Observation on selective orbtials of 5d IrO2 epitaxial thin films using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering"
LEE Hyun Hwi (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory), "Enhancing Vertical Carrier Transport on a Thin Film Polymer Semiconductor via Molecular orientation modification by a femto-second Laser process"

Emergent quantum phenomena in symmetry-manipulated oxides - CHOI Woo Seok (SKKU), LEE Jaekwang Pusan National Univ.), Myungjoon Han (KAIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~16:36 / Rm. 05

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Changyoung (Seoul National Univ.), "Electrinc structure studies of SrRuO3 films in the ultrathin limit - spin structures and topological features"
KIM Bongjae (Kunsan National Univ.), "Mimicking superconductivity of Sr2 RuO4 using SrRuO3 -SrTiO3 superlattice"
CHOI Woo Seok (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Phase Instability amid Dimensional Crossover in Artificial Oxide Crystal"
LEE Shinbuhm (DGIST), "Oxygen-vacancy-endurable conductors with enhanced transparency using correlated 4d2 SrMoO3 thin films"
PARK Sungkyun (Pusan National Univ.), "Correlation between symmetry and phase transition temperature of VO2 "
CHOI Minseok (Inha Univ.), "First-principles investigation of strain and oxygen vacancy formation in titanates"
GO Ara (Chonnam National Univ.), "Enhanced Hund's metallicity by van Hove singularity in three-band systems"
HAN Myungjoon (KAIST), "Understanding the superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelate: 2B(band) or not 2B(band)?"

Van der Waals type superconductors - JO Youn Jung (Kyungpook National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 15:00~17:00 / Rm. 07

[Invited Speakers]

CHOI Hyoung Joon (Yonsei Univ.), "Electron-phonon coupling and its role for superconductivity in twisted graphene layers"
KIM Kee Hoon (Seoul National Univ.), "Enhanced superconductivity in the vicinity of CDW quantum critical points in chalcogenide superconductors Pd-intercalated TaSe2"
BAEK Seung-Ho (Changwon National Univ.), "On the origin of charge density waves and superconductivity in Pd-intercalated 2H-TaSe2"
KIM Jun Sung (POSTECH), "Superconductivity emerging from a stripe charge order in IrTe2 nanoflakes"
CHO Doohee (Yonsei Univ.), "Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in the unconventional superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45"

Berry curvature, Topology, and Spin transport - Choi Kwang-Yong, Jeon Sangjun (Chung-Ang Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~15:00 / Rm. 06

[Invited Speakers]

LEE Sang-Kwon (Chung-ang Univ.), "Longitudinal Spin Seebeck effect in Pt/YIG structure with monolayer WSe2 interlayer"
KIM Se Kwon (KAIST), "Topological magnons and magnon-polarons in 2D magnets"
LEE Jieun (Seoul National Univ.), "Generation and control of Berry curvature dipole in 2D honeycomb lattices"
YANG Bohm Jung (Seoul National Univ.), "Anomalous thermal transport in magnetic insulators"
COMIN Riccardo (MIT), "Topological physics in the 2D kagome network"
SONG Justin (NTU, Nanyang Technological Univ.), "Geometrical photon drag shift current in centrosymmetric crystals"
WULFERDING Dirk (IBS-CCES, Seoul Natl. Univ.), "Majorana bound states vs. spin waves in Kitaev candidate materials"
NASU Joji (Yokohama National Univ.), "Majorana-mediated spin transport without spin polarization in quantum spin liquids"
LEE Ki Hoon (Incheon National Univ.), "Theory of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Spectroscopy for the Kitaev Spin Liquid"

Excitons in quantum matter - KIM Keun Su (Yonsei Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:36 / Rm. 05

[Invited Speakers]

PARK Je-Geun Park (Seoul National Univ.), "Observation of exotic many-body exciton in NiPS3"
KIM Bumjoon (POSTECH), "Observation of excitonic instability in Ta2NiSe5"
KIM Beom Hyun (KIAS), "Identification of the many-body exciton in the van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3"
SUNG Jiho (Harvard Univ.), "Excitons in twisted MoSe2/MoSe2 bilayers: the effect of broken mirror symmetry"

[APCTP-KPS-JPS meeting] New trends in quantum and topological matters under extreme condition - Park Je-Geun (Seoul National Univ.), Choi Kwang-Yong (Chung-Ang Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:46 / Rm. 05

[Invited Speakers]

YU Jaejun (Seoul National Univ.), “Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Topological Magnetic Insulators"
SATO Masatosh (Kyoto Univ.), "Non-Hermitian Topological Phases"
PARK Jae-Hoon (Max Planck POSTECH/Korea Research Initiative), "Universal behaviors of deconfined fractionalized spin excitations in α-RuCl3"
SHIBAUCHI Takasada (University of Tokyo), “Experimental signatures of a Kitaev quantum spin liquid in α-RuCl3"
SAKAI Hideaki (Osaka Univ.), "Dirac fermions coupled with magnetic order and lattice polarization"
NOH Han-Jin (Chonnam National Univ.), "ARPES study of a Multifold Fermionic Semimetal PdSb2"
SATO Takafumi (Tohoku Univ.), "Exotic nodal fermions in topological materials studied by ARPES"
KIM Jae Hoon (Yonsei Univ.), "Extreme Nonlinear Meissner Effect in Superconductors"

Ultimate X-ray Science - MUN Bongjin Simon (GIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~15:00 / Rm. 07

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Chan (XFEL, Germany), "Current Status of European XFEL Facility and Future Perspectives"
KANG Hyon Chol (Chosun Univ.), "Pulsed laser-induced dewetting of Co/Sapphire(0001) thin films"
KIM Hyo Jung (Pusan National Univ.), "Graphene in organic-inorganic hybrid PVs: synchrotron x-ray studies"
LEE Hyun Hwi (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory), "Structural phase control and thermochromic modulation of VO2 thin films by post thermal annealing"
CHO Byoung Ick (GIST), "Femtosecond Dynamics of Strongly Photoexcited Electrons in Noble Metals"

The 100th anniversary of ferroelectricity : achievement and future - KIM Tae Heon (Univ. of Ulsan), PARK Sungkyun (Pusan National Univ), YANG Chan-Ho (KAIST), LEE Jun Hee (UNIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 11:10~12:46, 15:00~16:36 / Rm. 09

[Invited Speakers]

NOH Tae Won (Seoul National Univ.), "Beginning of ferroelectric thin film researches in Korea and the following developments"
BU Sang-Don (Jeonbuk National Univ.), "Nanogenerators for energy harvesting based on piezoelectric nanostructures "
LEE Jaichan(Sungkyunkwan Univ), "Principles and Laws in Ferroelectricity"
PARK Chul Hong (Pusan National Univ.), "Miscroscopic structrue and roles of defects and impurities in perovskite ferroelectric oxides "
Hwang Cheol Seong (Seoul National Univ.), "Can the negative capacitance of ferroelectrics be useful? "
LEE Jun Hee (UNIST), "Unit-cell-scale ferroelectricity : Flat band breaks the 100-years myth of necessitating domains "
CHOI Si-Young (POSTECH), "Atomistic visualization of ferroelectricity via Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy"
LEE Daesu (POSTECH), "Flexo-electronics: achievement and future "

Direct visualization of defects and reconstruction in 2D layered crystals - KIM Kwanpyo (Yonsei Univ.), LEE Chul-Ho (Korea Univ.), LEE Jae-Ung (Ajou Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:48 / Rm. 10

[Invited Speakers]

YOO Hyobin (Sogang Univ.), “Engineering domain topology and symmetry in the twisted bilayer vdW materials”
LEE Gun-Do (Seoul National Univ.), “Cooperative study of TEM and simulation on mediator atom in 2D materials and various van der Waals heterostructures.”
JEONG Hu Young (UNIST), “Advanced interface analysis of 2D-TMD materials using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy”

Magnetic 2D materials - LEE Chul-Ho (Korea Univ.), KIM Kwanpyo (Yonsei Univ.), LEE Jae-Ung (Ajou Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:36 / Rm. 10

[Invited Speakers]

CHEONG Hyeonsik (Sogang Univ.), "Optical spectroscopy of magnetic ordering in 2-dimensional materials"
LEE Changgu (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), “Anomalous Hall measurement of 2D ferromagnet-based heterostructures”
KIM Jun Sung (POSTECH), “Tunable magnetic and topological properties of iron-based van der Waals magnets”
KIM Hyun Ho (Kumoh National Institute of Technology), “Two-dimensional magnetism in atomically thin chromium trihalides”

Boron Nitrided based nanomaterials - LEE Sang Wook (Ewha Univ.), KIM Kwanpyo (Yonsei Univ.), KIM Young Duck (Kyung Hee Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~16:48 / Rm. 09

[Invited Speakers]

TANIGUCHI T. (NIMS), “High quality hexagonal boron nitride”
SHIN Hyun Seok (UNIST), "Amorphous boron nitride"
LEE Zonghoon (UNIST), "Investigation of growth and defects of hBN using atomic resolution TEM"
PARK Jae-hyeon (KIST), "Photolithography-like direct pattern growth technique for two-dimensional materials in layered structures – Focus on hexagonal boron nitride"
KIM Ki Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Synthesis of wafer-scale hexagonal boron nitride films via chemical vapor deposition"
KWON Young-Kyun (Kyung Hee Univ.), "Theoretical investigation on various color centers in hexagonal boron nitride"

Next-generation display technology based on nanomaterials - KANG Seong Jun (Kyung Hee Univ.), SEO Jung Hwa (Dong-A Univ.), LEE Hyunbok (Kangwon National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:36 / Rm. 11

[Invited Speakers]

SUH Min Chul (Kyung Hee Univ.): "The Interface Mixing Effect of Solution Processed OLEDs"
IM Sang Hyuk (Korea Univ.): "Metal halide perovskite LEDs prepared by ultrasonic spray coating process"
KIM Dae-Hyeong (Seoul National Univ.): "Ultrathin Wearable QLED/OLED Technology"
KWAK Jeonghun (Seoul National Univ.): "White QLEDs with High Color Quality"

Chiral Magnetism and Topological Properties - LEE Kyung-Jin (KAIST), JE Soong-Geun (Chonnam National Univ)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 16:10~17:46 / Rm. 10

[Invited Speakers]

WOO Seonghoon (IBM), ”Magnetic skyrmions for neuromorphic computing”
JUNG Myung Hwa (Sogang Univ.), “Chiral magnetic interlayer coupling”
LEE Ki-Suk (UNIST), “Dynamics of Bloch points”
KIM Kab-Jin (KAIST), “Topological properties of spin textures”
PARK Tae Eon (KIST), “Magnetic skyrmions in 2D materials”
JE Soong-Geun (Chonnam National Univ.), “Magnetic skyrmions”

Frontiers of Current Applied Physics - HWANG Yoon Hwae (Pusan National Univ.), LEE Sang Wook (Ewha Womans Univ.), YANG Sang Mo (Sogang Univ.), HONG Young Joon (Sejong Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:12, 16:10~17:22 / Rm. 09

[Invited Speakers]

SONG Kyung Mee (KIST/Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology), “Artificial synapse based on magnetic skyrmions for neuromorphic computing”
KIM Gee Yeong, (KIST), “Nanoionics: ionic space-charge effect in lead halide perovskites”
OH Hye Min (Sejong Univ.), “Tailoring optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional materials based heterostructures”
PARK Sungkyun (Pusan National Univ.), “Bi-doping induced visible-light optical absorption of wide bandgap semiconductor In2O3
PARK Ji-Yong (Ajou Univ.), “Local electrical characterizations of nanomaterials and nanodevices”
HONG Jung-Il (DGIST), “Controlling spin structure of antiferromagnet for the switching of exchange bias effect ”

Nano/bio/medical organic electronic device - LEE Takhee (Seoul National Univ.), LEE Tae-Woo (Seoul National Univ.), YI Yeonjin (Yonsei Univ.), LIM Eunju (Dankook Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:36 / Rm. 11

[Invited Speakers]

YOO Seuunghyup (KAIST): "Organic Electronics for Wearable Healthcare"
JEONG Unyong (POSTECH): "Skin-inspired artificial ion electronic skin"
OH Joon Hak (Seoul National Univ.): "Nanoscopically Engineered Organic Semiconducting Materials for Healthcare Sensors"
KIM Do Hwan (Hanyang Univ.): "A bioinspired ion channel for optoelectronic deformable sensors"

Quantum information processing using atoms and devices - CHOI Taeyoung (Ewha Womans Univ.), LEE Gil-Ho (POSTECH)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:36 / Rm. 09

[Invited Speakers]

CHONG Yonuk (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), “Quantum Information Processing using Superconducting Quantum Devices”
CHOI Jae-yoon (KAIST), “Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms”
ZHANG Xue (Ewha Womans Univ., IBS), “Spin sensing and quantum control of single molecules”
LEE Moonjoo (POSTECH), “Quantum information with trapped ions”

Understanding of Covid-19 outbreak in the perspective of statistical physics - YOOK Soon-Hyung (Kyunghee Univ.), KAHNG Byungnam (Seoul National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~16:48 / Rm. 12

[Invited Speakers]

MORENO Yamir (Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain), "Data-driven modeling of Covid-19 pandemic"
LEE Ha Youn (University of Southern California), "Covid-19 genome surveillance"
KAHNG Byungnam (Seoul National Univ.), "Covid-19 outbreak under the K-quarantine model: numerical simulations on networks"
SON Woo Sik (NIMS): "코로나19 확산 예측 및 비약물적 방역 정책 분석"
HA Meesoon (Chosun Univ.), "COVID-19 related epidemic patterns and scaling behaviors based on minimal model studies"
MIN Byungjoon (Chungbuk National Univ.), "Epidemics spreading with time-varying transmission rates: case of Covid19"

Curriculum revision and direction of physics teacher education - OH Won Kun (Chungbuk National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~10:36 / Rm. 13

[Invited Speakers]

PARK Jong Won (Chonnam National Univ.), "물리교육에서 이론과 실행간 격차에 대한 이해"
KANG Nam-Hwa (Korea National Univ. of Education), TBD
LEE Gyoungho (Seoul National Univ.), "물리 교육과정 개정과 교사교육의 방향 탐색: 고등학교 현대물리학 교육의 어려움을 중심으로"
LEE Bong Woo (Dankook Univ.), "물리예비교사양성에서 탐구 교육"

Changes in physics education due to IT technology - OH Won Kun (Chungbuk National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 11:10~12:10 / Rm. 13

[Invited Speakers]

OH Won Kun (Chungbuk National Univ.), "IT 융합과 STEM 기반 물리교육의 확대"
CHEONG Yong Wook (Gyeongsang National Univ.), "마이크로비트를 이용한 무센센서네트워크 구축 및 과학탐구활동에의 활용방안 탐색"
JHO Hunkoog (Dankook Univ.), "가상/증강 현실을 활용한 교육의 현황과 성과"

Symposium for the Basic Fusion R&D Program - HWANG Yong-Seok (Seoul National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:22 / Rm. 14

[Invited Speakers]

CHOE Wonho (KAIST), "플라즈마 불순물 및 경계 열속 연구센터"
HUR Min Sup (UNIST), "혁신적 디버터 열속 제어 처리기술 거점센터"
HWANG Yong Seok (Seoul National Univ.), "핵융합 코어 플라즈마 붕괴 기작 및 제어 연구"
NA Yongsu (Seoul National Univ.), "Nonlinear MHD Study on the Dual SPI in KSTAR"
IN Yongkyoon (UNIST), "MHD-stabilized reactor-relevant fusion plasmas (with full integration of edge, divertor and core)"
CHUNG Kyu Sun (Hanyang Univ.), "핵융합 재료-플라즈마 반응 연구센터"

Plasma-based Advanced Accelerators and Radiation Sources - CHO Byoung-ick, SUK Hyyong (GIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:36 / Rm. 14

[Invited Speakers]

CHUNG Moses (UNIST), "Overview of beam-driven wakefield accelerators"
LEE Ki Tae (KAERI), "Generation of non-thermal energetic ion beams from a layered target irradiated by an ultraintense laser pulse"
KIM Minseok (Pohang Accelerator Lab.), "Two laser pulses-based plasma acceleration for high temporal resolution UED researches"
JANG Dogeun (Pohang Accelerator Lab.), "레이저-플라즈마를 이용한 초고속-광대 THz 광원 개발"

Quantum computing / quantum simulation - SHIN Heedeuk (POSTECH), KIM Myung-Ki (Korea Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~17:46 / Rm. 15

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Kihwan (Tsinghua Univ.), "Adiabatic Quantum Computation with Trapped Ions"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ LEE Moonjoo (POSTECH), "Trapped ions coupled to optical cavities"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ LEE Sang Yun (GIST), "Semiconductor spin-photon interfaces for quantum network research"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ SEO Hosung (Ajou Univ.), "First-principles theory of quantum defects in 2D materials"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ KIM Myung-Ki (Korea Univ.), "Nanophotonics for Efficient Quantum Interfaces"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ LEE Junghyun (KIST), "Utilizing electronic spin interactions for scalable quantum network"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ KIM Jehyung (UNIST), "Defects in crystals with efficient optical interfaces"‬
‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ LEE ‪Wookjae‬ (Kongju Univ.), "Effective single-photon detection for quantum nanophotonics" ‬

Colloidal Plasmonics & Metamaterials - LEE Seungwoo (Korea Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 13:00~16:36 / Rm. 15

[Invited Speakers]

KIM Zee-Hwan (Seoul National Univ.), “Non-Thermal Molecular Vibrational Excitation Induced by Plasmonic Hot Carriers”
PARK So-Jung (Ewha Woman Univ.), “Fluidic metamolecules: from synthetic approach to dynamic self-assembly”
LEE Seungwoo (Korea Univ.), “Plasmonic Nanoparticle Superlattice for Unnaturally High Optical Refraction”
NAM Ki Tae (Seoul National Univ.), “Peptide Induced Chirality in Single Gold Nanoparticle”
KANG Taewook (Sogang Univ.), “On-demand Delivery of Colloidal Metal Nanoparticles onto Arbitrary Solid Surfaces for Sensitive Molecular Detections”
CHOO Jaebum (Chung-Ang Univ.), “Microfluidic Platforms for Surface Enhanced Raman Sensing”
PARK Sungho (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), “Nanoframes: Synthesis and Applications”
NAM Jwa-Min (Seoul National Univ.), “Lipid Nanotablet for Modular and Scalable DNA Computing ”

Special approaches in integrated photonics - HAN Sangyoon (DGIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:22 / Rm. 15

[Invited Speakers]

YU Kyoungsik (KAIST), “Symmetry breaking in integrated photonics”
YANG Jin-Kyu‬ (Kongju National Univ.), “Evolution of Photonic Topological insulators from triangular lattice to honeycomb lattice”
JUNG Hojoong (KIST), “Kerr nonlinear nanophotonics in microring resonator”
JEONG Hyeon-Ho (GIST), “Chiral Plasmonic Nanosensors”
HAN Sangyoon (DGIST), “Mechano-optic devices for large-scale photonic integration”
JUNG Daehwan (KIST), “Monolithic integration of efficient InAs quantum dot laser onto Si by direct epitaxy”
LEE In-Ho (KIST), "Extreme nanophotonics based on surface polaritons in 2D materials"

Atomic Sensors - HEO Myoung-Sun (KRISS)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~17:58 / Rm. 16

[Invited Speakers]

KWON Taeg Yong (KRISS), “Chip-scale atomic clock”
LEE Sang Bum (KRISS), “초정밀 이동형 원자중력계 개발”
OH Sangwon (KRISS), “Nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond for magnetometry”
LEE Sangkyung (Agency for Defense Development), “Toward high precise, compact, low power gyroscopes: Atom spin gyroscopes”
LEE Donghun (Korea Univ.), “Atomic sensor based on diamond NV centers”
MOON Han Seob (Pusan National Univ.) : “리드버그 원자를 이용한 고감도 광대역 전기장 계측 연구”

Future Optoelectronic Materials and Devices - JEONG Mun Seok (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 09:00~10:12, 16:10~17:22 / Rm. 17

[Invited Speakers]

CHO Chang-Hee (DGIST), "Tuning the excitonic properties with semiconductor-based nanocavities"
GONG Su-Hyun (Korea Univ.), "New directions for optoelectronics with a valley degree of freedom"
JOO Min-Kyu (Sookmyung Women's Univ.), "Understanding tunable photoresponsivity of 2D multilayer phototransistors: Interplay between thickness and carrier mobility"
KIM Ki Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Epitaxial growth of single-crystal transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers via atomic step surfaces"
PARK Hyesung (UNIST), "Ultrasensitive Plasmon-free Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy with Femtomolar Detection Limit from 2D van der Waals Heterostructure"
HONG Young Joon (Sejong Univ.), "Graphene-mediated non-covalent epitaxy of semiconductor micro-light-emitting diodes for flexible optoelectronics applications"

Nano-optical characterizations of semiconducting materials - PARK Kyoung-Duck (UNIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:22 / Rm. 17

[Invited Speakers]

PARK Kyoung-Duck (UNIST), "Dynamic plasmonic tip-cavity from weak to strong coupling regime"
LEE Chanwoo (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Investigating Heterogeneous Defects in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides via Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
AN Sangmin (Jeonbuk National Univ.), "Nanopipette/QTF-AFM-based Nanofabrication and Surface Characterization"
JAHNG Junghoon (KRISS), "Nanoscale Hyperspectral Mapping by using Photo-induced Force Microscopy"
PARK Dae Young (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Investigation of Chemical Origin of White-Light Emission in Two-Dimensional (C4H9NH3)2PbBr4 via Infrared Nanoscopy"
KIM Teun teun (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "THz near-field spectroscopy of single coaxial aperture"

Organic – inorganic photovoltaic materials and devices - SEO Jung Hwa (Dong-A Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 5 (Thu), 14:00~15:36 / Rm. 17

[Invited Speakers]

CHUNG Yong-Duck (ETRI), "친환경 컬러 Cu(In,Ga)Se2 박막 태양전지 기술"
CHOI Jae-Young (Dong-A Univ.), "Facile conductivity enhancement of PEDOT:PSS with high work-function for transparent electrode application"
LEE Hyun Bok (Kangwon National Univ.), "Cathode interlayers for favorable energy level alignment in inverted organic solar cells"
KIM Ki Hwan (Gyeongsang National Univ.), "High PCE perovskite solar cells with active layer modulation and RGB Perovskite Nanocrystal LEDs"

[APCTP-KPS-JPS meeting] Korea-Japan Astrophysics Joint Session- LEE Hyung Won (Inje Univ.); KIM Chunglee (Ewha Womans Univ.); GWAK Bogeun (Dongguk Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 09:00~12:46 / Rm. 04

[Invited Speakers]

YOKOYAMA Jun’ichi (Univ. of Tokyo), “Gravitational waves from the early universe”
NISHIZAWA Atsushi (Univ. of Tokyo), “Tests of gravity with gravitational waves”
YOSHIDA Michitoshi (NAOJ), “Multimessenger astronomy in Japan: introduction of optical-infrared follow-up observation projects”
TANAKA Masaomi (Tohoku Univ.), “Multimessenger astronomy and the origin of heavy elements in the Universe”
PARK Mu-In (Sogang Univ.), “On Horava-Lifshitz-DeWitt Gravity: An Overview and Future Directions"
LEE Jae-Weon (Jungwon Univ.), “Fuzzy dark matter and mysteries of galaxies"
LEE Hyung Won (Inje Univ.), “Gravitational Wave, Data Analysis, and Observations”
IM Myungshin (Seoul National Univ.), “Gravitational-wave EM Counterpart Korean Observatory, GECKO”

Korean Neutrino Observatory as an Astrophysical Neutrino Telescope - PARK Myeong-Gu (Kyungpook National Univ.), KIM Soo-Bong (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), KIM Hongjoo (Kyungpook National Univ.)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 4 (Wed), 15:00~16:36 / Rm. 04

[Invited Speakers]

YU Intae (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), “KNO Overview”
ROTT Carsten (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), “Neutrino Observatories in the World”
RYU Dongsu (UNIST), “Neutrinos from High-Energy Astrophysical Processes”
PARK Myeong-Gu (Kyungpook National Univ.), “Neutrinos from supernovae and compact objects”

Dynamic Processes in the Cells - KIM Hajin (UNIST)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 15:00~16:12 / Rm. 19

[Invited Speakers]

JUNG Inkyung (KAIST): “Higher-order chromatin structure in gene regulation”
KIM Dong-Whee (Korea Univ.): “Nuclear Mechanobiology: Biological interpretation of subcellular nuclear mechanics”
CHOI Jeong-Mo (Pusan National Univ.): “The Stickers and Spacers Framework: Understanding Biomolecular Phase Separation Behaviors”

Frontiers in Computational Biophysics - JEON Jae-Hyung (POSTECH), PARK Sungha (SKKU)

  Date & Time / Venue : November 6 (Fri), 11:10~12:46 / Rm. 19

[Invited Speakers]

YOO Jejoong (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), "Super-accuracy molecular dynamics simulations of proteins"
HYEON Chang Bong (KIAS), "Θ-chain in confined space and its implication to biopolymers"
SUNG Bong June (Sogang Univ.), "The packaging process of a DNA into a viral capsid determines how the DNA exits the capsid"
WU Sangwook (Pukyong National Univ), "New trends in computational biophysics"