이화여자대학교 기초과학연구원 양자나노과학연구소에서 아래와 같이 QNS Qolloquium을 진행합니다. 관심있는 회원님들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.
• 주제: Quantum control of surface acoustic wave phonons
• 연사: Andrew N Cleland, University of Chicago (USA)
• 일시: 6월 7일 오후 5시
• 장소: 연구협력관 지하 1층 주피터 회의실 (온라인 오프라인 동시 진행)
• 개요: One of the most transformational outcomes promised by research in quantum information is a quantum computer that is exponentially faster than any classical computer. Current state-of-the-art quantum devices have not reached the level of complexity needed to demonstrate this capability, and alternative approaches may enable shortcut routes to achieve this exciting goal. Phonons, representing the collective motion of large numbers of atoms, present an intriguing, completely solid-state approach to quantum information using mobile qubits. Recent developments have shown that phonons can be used as carriers of quantum states, with properties very similar to photons. In this talk I will describe recent results, where we use superconducting qubits for the on-demand generation, storage, and detection of individual microwave-frequency phonons in an acoustic resonator; use phonons to transmit quantum states and generate quantum entanglement; demonstrate a single-phonon interferometer and a quantum information process known as “quantum erasure”; and most recently demonstrate the acoustic Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with phonons, illustrating the wave-particle duality fundamental to quantum mechanics. Interestingly, this last development points to the possible development of a phonon-based architecture for quantum computing. References:
[1] H. Qiao et al., “Splitting phonons: Building a platform for linear mechanical quantum computing,” Science 380, 1030-1033 (2023)
[2] E. Dumur et al., “Quantum communication with itinerant surface acoustic wave phonons”, npj Quantum Information 7, 1-5 (2021)
[3] A. Bienfait et al., “Quantum erasure using surface acoustic phonons”, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021055 (2020)
[4] A. Bienfait et al., “Phonon-mediated quantum state transfer and remote qubit entanglement”, Science 364, 368-371 (2019)
[5] K. J. Satzinger et al., “Quantum control of surface acoustic wave phonons”, Nature 563, 661–665 (2018)
• 사전등록: https://qns.science/colloquium/registration/
* 사전등록 필수: 사전등록자에 한하여 Zoom link를 전달합니다.