Pioneer Symposia
Pioneer symposia are consisted of several invited talks on hot issues of physics sub-fields. Each symposium is made in English and extends at least 2 sessions in a meeting. Symposium titles and organizers of pioneer symposia for upcoming meeting are as follows.
Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:36 / Room: 602
KIM Tae Jeong (Hanyang Univ.), MOON Chang-Seong (Kyungpook National Univ.), KWEON MinJung (Inha Univ.), KIM Hyung Do (Seoul National Univ.)
[Invited Speakers]
- TSESMELIS Emmanuel (CERN, Switzerland): "The Path Towards the Future Circular Collider at CERN"
- MANGANO Michelangelo (CERN, Switzerland): “Physics at FCC”
- KIM Hyung Do (Seoul National University): “Beyond Collider Physics”
- TABARELLI DE FATIS Tommaso (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy): “Precision timing with the CMS MIP Timing Detector (MTD) for High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)”
- ADAM Wolfgan (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) “Introduction to CMS experiment”
- KIM Tae Jeong (Hanyang University): “Status of Korea CMS”
- MUSA Luciano (CERN, Switzerland): “The future of ALICE” (online)
- YOON Jin-Hee (Inha University): “The footprint of the Korean ALICE experiment team”
Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:36 / Room: 301
KIM Sanghoon (University of Ulsan), DONATI Fabio (Ewha Women’s University, IBS), BAE Yujeong (Ewha Women’s University, IBS)
  [Invited Speakers]
- YANG Kai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China): “Probing resonating valence bond states in artificial quantum magnets using ESR-STM”
- ESAT Taner (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany): “Molecular quantum sensor on a scanning probe tip for sensing electric and magnetic fields with single-atom sensitivity”
- SCHNEIDER Lucas (University of Hamburg, Germany): “Superconductivity in atom-by-atom crafted quantum corrals”
- CHOI Deung-Jang (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain): “Exploring topological superconductors and emergent quantum states”
- SHIOTA Yoichi (Kyoto University, Japan): “Optical heterodyne imaging of spin dynamics at nanoscale”
- PARK Albert Min Gyu (KAIST): “Universal hopping motion of skyrmion bubbles”
- SUZUKI Motohiro (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan): “Three-dimensional observation of magnetic microstructures by scanning X-ray magnetic tomography”
- LEE Ki-Suk (UNIST): “Role of the 3D topological singularity in magnetization dynamics”
Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:12 / Room: 606
HUR MinSup (UNIST), CHO Byoung-ick (GIST), SUK Hyyong (GIST)
[Invited Speakers]
- CHO Byoung-ick (GIST): “Frontiers in Ultrafast Laser Plasmas: Challenges and Opportunities”
- ZASTRAU Ulf (European XFEL, Germany): “X-ray Imaging and Ionization dynamics in ultra-relativistic laser plasmas using X-ray free electron lasers”
- DYER Gilliss McNaughton (SLAC, USA): “Current and future opportunities for high energy density laboratory plasma and dynamic compression science at LCLS”
- HUR MinSup (UNIST): “Theory and Simulations on Laser Pulse Compression in a Plasma”
- SUK Hyyong (GIST): “Current status of the on-going experiment for laser pulse compression using a density-gradient plasma”
- JAROSZYNSKI Dino A (University of Strathclyde, UK): “Plasma photonics at high intensities”
Time: October 25 (Wednesday) 13:00 - 17:48 / Room: 600A
AN Kyungwon (Seoul National Univ.), HARRIES James (National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology), KUMA Susumu (RIKEN)
[Invited Speakers]
- KIM Jinuk (Yale University, USA): “Experimental investigation of a quantum heat engine coupled to superradiant reservoirs”(online)
- OH Seung-hoon (Seoul National University): “Photon statistics in thresholdless superradiant lasing”
- HAJIMA Ryoichi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan): “Generation and applications of superradiant FEL pulses”
- YANG Daeho (Gacheon University): “Superabsorption: Enhanced cooperative absorption as a time-reversal counterpart of superradiance”
- LEE Seungwoo (Korea Univ.): “DNA grabbers and steerers of quantum emitter for superradiance”
- HARRIES James (Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre, QST, Japan): “Extreme ultraviolet superradiance from helium atoms”
- KITANO Kenta (Aoyama University): “Coherent driving of superfluorescence by a continuous-wave laser”
- HARA Hideaki (Okayama University, Japan): “Super-radiance and fundamental physics”
Time: October 25 (Wednesday) 16:00 - 17:36, October 26 (Thursday) 16:00 - 17:36 / Room: Convention Hall I
Kwangseuk KYHM (Pusan National University), Chang-Hee CHO(DGIST), Hyunsik IM(Dongguk University)
[Invited Speakers]
- PARK Kyoung-Duck (POSTECH): “Tip-enhanced cavity-spectroscopy to control excitonic behaviors at the nanoscale”
- FOMIN Vladimir M. (IFW-Dresden, Germany): “Quantum Interference in Optical Möbius-Strip Microcavities: Experiment vs Theory”(online)
- KIM Ji-Hee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.):“Ballistic diffusion of hot carriers in van der Waals layered materials”
- TAYLOR Robert Andrew (University of Oxford, UK): “Cavity effects in perovskite nanostructures”(online)
- SUNG Jooyoung (DGIST):“Ultrafast exciton transport in semiconductor thin films revealed via fs-microscopy”
- KASPRZAK Jacek (Neel Institute-CNRS, France): “Electronically tunable exciton confinement probed with nonlinear spectroscopy”(online)
- SONG Hyun Gyu (KIST):“Unprecedented exciton polariton coupling in 6 folded microcavity for PT symmetry”
- FARROW Tristan (University of Oxford, UK): “Bright ultrarrow-linewidth perovskite single-photon sources”(online)
Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:12 / Room: 604
PARK Chan (IBS), KIM Chunglee(Ewha Womans Univ.), KIM Sung-Won(Ewha Womans Univ.)
[Invited Speakers]
- HOBBS George (CSIRO, Australia): “Updates from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Project and towards the SKA”(online)
- BAGCHI Manjari (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India): “Pulsar Timing Array Experiments: Detection of low-frequency gravitational waves and some auxiliary sciences”
- TERADA Takahiro (Institute for Basic Science): “Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background - with a focus on secondary gravitational waves”
- SESANA Alberto (Universitá degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy): “Nano-Hz gravitational waves: first evidence and implications”(online)
- PARK Chan (Institute for Basic Science, Korea): “New detection methods with PTA”