Pioneer Symposia

2024 KPS Fall Meeting   October 22-26, 2024   Yeosu Expo Convention Center

Pioneer symposia are consisted of several invited talks on hot issues of physics sub-fields. Each symposium is made in English and extends at least 2 sessions in a meeting. Symposium titles and organizers of pioneer symposia for upcoming meeting are as follows. E represents an ‘English session’ where all authors present in English.

1) E [Particles and Fields & Nuclear Physics] Present and Future of the LHC Program at CERN

   Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:36 / Room: 602  


  [Organizers] KIM Tae Jeong (Hanyang Univ.), MOON Chang-Seong (Kyungpook National Univ.), KWEON MinJung (Inha Univ.), KIM Hyung Do (Seoul National Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • TSESMELIS Emmanuel (CERN, Switzerland): "The Path Towards the Future Circular Collider at CERN"
  • MANGANO Michelangelo (CERN, Switzerland): “Physics at FCC”
  • KIM Hyung Do (Seoul National University): “Beyond Collider Physics”
  • TABARELLI DE FATIS Tommaso (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy): “Precision timing with the CMS MIP Timing Detector (MTD) for High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)”
  • ADAM Wolfgan (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) “Introduction to CMS experiment”
  • KIM Tae Jeong (Hanyang University): “Status of Korea CMS”
  • MUSA Luciano (CERN, Switzerland): “The future of ALICE” (online)
  • YOON Jin-Hee (Inha University): “The footprint of the Korean ALICE experiment team”


LHC started more than 10 years ago, and CERN will turn 70 years old soon. Ever since then, the Higgs boson was discovered, and the properties of the fundamental particles has been measured precisely. The standard model seems to be complete. However, nature such as dark matter and matter-antimatter asymmetry is still out there to be discovered. Furthermore, through heavy-ion collision experiments, we have confirmed the existence and basic properties of quark-gluon plasma, known as the primordial matter of the universe. However, understanding its characteristics from various perspectives is still necessary. LHC is the unique machine that allows us to probe these unknown phenomena. We will discuss the present and future of the LHC in this session.

2) E [Applied Physics] Emergent Spin-Related Phenomena at Different Dimensionalities

   Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:36 / Room: 301  


  [Organizers] KIM Sanghoon (University of Ulsan), DONATI Fabio (Ewha Women’s University, IBS), BAE Yujeong (Ewha Women’s University, IBS)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • YANG Kai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China): “Probing resonating valence bond states in artificial quantum magnets using ESR-STM”
  • ESAT Taner (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany): “Molecular quantum sensor on a scanning probe tip for sensing electric and magnetic fields with single-atom sensitivity”
  • SCHNEIDER Lucas (University of Hamburg, Germany): “Superconductivity in atom-by-atom crafted quantum corrals”
  • CHOI Deung-Jang (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain): “Exploring topological superconductors and emergent quantum states”
  • SHIOTA Yoichi (Kyoto University, Japan): “Optical heterodyne imaging of spin dynamics at nanoscale”
  • PARK Albert Min Gyu (KAIST): “Universal hopping motion of skyrmion bubbles”
  • SUZUKI Motohiro (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan): “Three-dimensional observation of magnetic microstructures by scanning X-ray magnetic tomography”
  • LEE Ki-Suk (UNIST): “Role of the 3D topological singularity in magnetization dynamics”


The spin arrangement strongly depends on the dimension and atomic arrangement of a system, leading to various emergent phenomena such as ultra-fast magnetization dynamics, the formation of topological objects such as skyrmions, and quantum spin liquids. Here, magnetostatic energy, the interaction between spins, and the topological properties of electrons with symmetry breaking are involved in order to understand the phenomena, which are one of the most interesting topics in the field of condensed matter physics. With the development of measurement techniques, various phenomena that were only theoretically proposed have been reported in recent years, such as the dynamics of atomic spin, spin arrangements in atomic 1D chains, characteristics of two-dimensional magnetic materials, and singularity points known as Bloch points in three-dimensional magnetic materials. In this pioneer session, the best experts in the field will introduce newly observed phenomena at each level and share their opinions.

3) E [Plasma Physics] Novel Ideas in Laser-Plasma Physics

   Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:12 / Room: 606  


  [Organizers] HUR MinSup (UNIST), CHO Byoung-ick (GIST), SUK Hyyong (GIST)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • CHO Byoung-ick (GIST): “Frontiers in Ultrafast Laser Plasmas: Challenges and Opportunities”
  • ZASTRAU Ulf (European XFEL, Germany): “X-ray Imaging and Ionization dynamics in ultra-relativistic laser plasmas using X-ray free electron lasers”
  • DYER Gilliss McNaughton (SLAC, USA): “Current and future opportunities for high energy density laboratory plasma and dynamic compression science at LCLS”
  • HUR MinSup (UNIST): “Theory and Simulations on Laser Pulse Compression in a Plasma”
  • SUK Hyyong (GIST): “Current status of the on-going experiment for laser pulse compression using a density-gradient plasma”
  • JAROSZYNSKI Dino A (University of Strathclyde, UK): “Plasma photonics at high intensities”


Laser-plasma has traditionally focused on plasma-based compact particle acceleration or laser nuclear fusion. Recently, new and exciting ideas are rapidly emerging as research topics in plasma photonics or ultra-fast laser-plasma fields. In particular, tangible results are appearing one after another, such as the plasma photonics-based pulse compression research being confirmed for publication in Nature Photonics, and BRL being selected as the subject of ultra-fast laser-plasma. We invite experts in these subjects, which can be called a new frontier of laser-plasma, to exchange knowledges and have a chance of thinking about future directions.

4) E [Atomic and Molecular Physics] Quantum Effects of Superradiance and Their Applications

   Time: October 25 (Wednesday) 13:00 - 17:48 / Room: 600A  


  [Organizers] AN Kyungwon (Seoul National Univ.), HARRIES James (National Institute of Quantum Science and Technology), KUMA Susumu (RIKEN)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • KIM Jinuk (Yale University, USA): “Experimental investigation of a quantum heat engine coupled to superradiant reservoirs”(online)
  • OH Seung-hoon (Seoul National University): “Photon statistics in thresholdless superradiant lasing”
  • HAJIMA Ryoichi (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Japan): “Generation and applications of superradiant FEL pulses”
  • YANG Daeho (Gacheon University): “Superabsorption: Enhanced cooperative absorption as a time-reversal counterpart of superradiance”
  • LEE Seungwoo (Korea Univ.): “DNA grabbers and steerers of quantum emitter for superradiance”
  • HARRIES James (Synchrotron Radiation Research Centre, QST, Japan): “Extreme ultraviolet superradiance from helium atoms”
  • KITANO Kenta (Aoyama University): “Coherent driving of superfluorescence by a continuous-wave laser”
  • HARA Hideaki (Okayama University, Japan): “Super-radiance and fundamental physics”


Superradiance is the collective emission of radiation by correlated atoms, molecules or atom-like artificial emitters. Its existence was predicted by R. Dicke a half century ago and since then it has been demonstrated in various physical systems. It is still one of the most difficult phenomena to observe, control and apply to practical use. The purpose of this symposium is to check the current state of the art in superradiance researches and to promote exchange of ideas and future collaborations among researchers. The program of this symposium is prepared jointly by KPS and JPS.

5) E [Semiconductor Physics] Optical Microscopy of Ultrafast Light-exciton Interaction

   Time: October 25 (Wednesday) 16:00 - 17:36, October 26 (Thursday) 16:00 - 17:36 / Room: Convention Hall I  


  [Organizers] Kwangseuk KYHM (Pusan National University), Chang-Hee CHO(DGIST), Hyunsik IM(Dongguk University)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • PARK Kyoung-Duck (POSTECH): “Tip-enhanced cavity-spectroscopy to control excitonic behaviors at the nanoscale”
  • FOMIN Vladimir M. (IFW-Dresden, Germany): “Quantum Interference in Optical Möbius-Strip Microcavities: Experiment vs Theory”(online)
  • KIM Ji-Hee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.):“Ballistic diffusion of hot carriers in van der Waals layered materials”
  • TAYLOR Robert Andrew (University of Oxford, UK): “Cavity effects in perovskite nanostructures”(online)
  • SUNG Jooyoung (DGIST):“Ultrafast exciton transport in semiconductor thin films revealed via fs-microscopy”
  • KASPRZAK Jacek (Neel Institute-CNRS, France): “Electronically tunable exciton confinement probed with nonlinear spectroscopy”(online)
  • SONG Hyun Gyu (KIST):“Unprecedented exciton polariton coupling in 6 folded microcavity for PT symmetry”
  • FARROW Tristan (University of Oxford, UK): “Bright ultrarrow-linewidth perovskite single-photon sources”(online)


Currently, microscopy is combined with femtosecond laser to study semiconductor nanostructures, whereby both ultrafast dynamics and high-resolution image are obtained, and exciton coupled in a cavity is also considered. This technique is also extended to bio-nano hybrid system.

6) E [Astrophysics] Gravitational Wave Background and Pulsar Timing Array Observation

   Time: October 26 (Thursday) 14:00 - 17:12 / Room: 604  


  [Organizers] PARK Chan (IBS), KIM Chunglee(Ewha Womans Univ.), KIM Sung-Won(Ewha Womans Univ.)

  [Invited Speakers]

  • HOBBS George (CSIRO, Australia): “Updates from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Project and towards the SKA”(online)
  • BAGCHI Manjari (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India): “Pulsar Timing Array Experiments: Detection of low-frequency gravitational waves and some auxiliary sciences”
  • TERADA Takahiro (Institute for Basic Science): “Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background - with a focus on secondary gravitational waves”
  • SESANA Alberto (Universitá degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy): “Nano-Hz gravitational waves: first evidence and implications”(online)
  • PARK Chan (Institute for Basic Science, Korea): “New detection methods with PTA”


In June, 2023, pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations from around the world announced the discovery of gravitational wave background (GWB) in nHz. The observation can be interpreted as superposition of all astrophysical GW sources in the universe in nHz, for example supermassive black hole binaries. Observation of nHz GW astronomy can be possible by precision timing of millisecond radio pulsars. The discovery announced in June this year is a great achievement made by more than 15 years of radio observations using many telescopes around the world. In this symposium, we discuss the new discovery and theories on the GWB and PTA.