Plenary Lecture
Title: ”Practical Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”
KIM, Jungsang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University
TIME: April 25 (Thu.) 10:30 - 11:18
Room: Daejeon Convention Center 1, 3F Rm. 301
Trapped atomic ions provide an ideal physical platform to build quantum computers and networks. Over the past decade or so, there has been substantial progress in leveraging this system to construct scalable and practical quantum information processors. In this talk, I will discuss the core physics and technical advances that were made that led to trapped ion quantum computers, and the insights that have been gained in designing and constructing robust systems that can potentially lead to scientifically meaningful computations and simulations.
• Stanford University(CA, USA) | Ph.D., Physics | March 1999
• Seoul National University(Seoul, Korea) | B.S., Physics, summa cum laude | February 1992
• Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Technology Officer |
IonQ, Inc., College Park, MD | September 2015 – present
• The Schiciano Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Physics |
Duke University, Durham, NC | July 2021 – present
• Assistant/Associate/Full Professor | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science |
Duke University, Durham, NC | June 2004 – present
• Founder, President and CEO |
Applied Quantum Technologies, Inc., Durham, NC | August 2006 – February 2020
• Technical Manager, Optical Networking Research Division |
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ | January 2001 – June 2004
• Member of Technical Staff, Physical Sciences Research Laboratory |
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ | April 1999 – December 2000
• Research Assistant, Physics Department |
Edward L. Ginzton Laboratories, Stanford University, Stanford, CA | April 1993 – March 1999
• Fellow, National Academy of Inventors (2024)
• Schiciano Family Distinguished Professorship (2021-)
• Fellow, American Physical Society (2021)
• Fellow, Optical Society of America (2017)
Stansell Family Distinguished Research Award, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University (2016)
Invited Speaker, Universal Linkage Top Research Advisor Program, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (2012)
Frontier Research Scientist, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2012)
Senior Member, IEEE
National Science Foundation CAREER Award
Nortel Networks Chair, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
John-Kelly C. Warren Faculty Fellowship, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
Bell Labs President’s Gold Award, LambdaRouter Team (Team Award)
Finalist at Outstanding Thesis Award, DAMOP, American Physical Society
Presidential Honor at Graduation, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Doctoral Study Abroad Scholarship, The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
First Place, Korean College Mathematics Competition
College Scholarship, The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
• Member, Global R&D Innovation Advisory Committee, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, Republic of Korea, 2023-
• Special Member, Special Committee on Quantum Information Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology, Republic of Korea, 2022-2023
LGE Innovation Council, LG Electronics, 2021-2022
Inaugural Member, National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Department of Energy, August 2020-2022
Keynote Speaker, NSF Workshop on Midscale Infrastructure for Quantum Photonic Science Engineering and Technology (August 2020).
Keynote Speaker, Department of Energy Quantum Algorithms and Testbeds PI Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN (September 2018)
Invited Panel Member, Air Force Research Laboratories Quantum Innovation Summit, Pensacola, FL (May 2018)
Member, Committee on Technical Assessment of the Feasibility and Implications of Quantum Computing, a study of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017)
Chair of the Organizing Committee, Seoul Conference on Frontiers in Quantum Information Science, Seoul, Korea (July 2016)
Chair of the Technical Review and Assessment Panel, for Department of Defense Quantum Science and Engineering Program (QSEP), July 2015 – December 2018
Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks, Pacific Grove, CA (May 2015)
Invited Lecturer, Okinawa Summer School on Dynamics of Quantum Systems, Okinawa, Japan (Sep 2014)
Chair of the Organizing Committee, Special Symposium on Quantum Repeaters, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Sciences (CLEO/QELS), San Jose, CA (June 2014)
Chair of the Organizing Committee, 2nd Workshop on Integrated Atomic Systems, Seattle, WA (Feb 2009)
Chair of the Organizing Committee, 1st Workshop on Integrated Atomic Systems, Atlanta, GA (Nov 2007)
Member of the Organizing Committee, Workshop on Ion Trap Technology, Boulder, CO (Feb 2011)
International Review Panel Member for Austrian Science Fund (FWF), reviewing Special Research Programs (SFB)
on Foundation and Application of Quantum Sciences (October 2008)
Session Chair, Optical Society of America Frontiers in Optics Meeting, Rochester, NY (October 2008)
CLEO/QELS Technical Program Committee, Atomic Physics, San Jose, CA (May 2008)
Organizing Committee for NSTI Nanotech Conference (2007 - 2008)
Session Chair, American Physical Society, Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Meeting, State
College, PA (May 2008)
Organizing Committee, IEEE-LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Quantum Communication in Telecom Networks,
Quebec City, Canada (July 2006)
Organizing Committee, Nanotechnology Session, UKC 2005 Conference, Irvine, CA (August 2005)
Grant Review Panel for National Science Foundation (2005-present)
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals, including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Physical Review B,
Nature Communications, Applied Physics Letters and Nano Letters
This talk is hosted jointly by the Korean Physical Society and Korea Institute for Advanced study(KIAS).