Institutional Special Session

2024 KPS Fall Meeting   October 22-26, 2024   Yeosu Expo Convention Center

Institutional special sessions are organized by Institutions as KIAS, IBS, KIST, KISTI, KRISS, PAL, etc. These sessions provide a variety of information, including research areas, on specific and characteristic topics being researched by the institutions.

E (K) represents an ‘English session’(‘Korean session’) where all authors present in English(Korean).


"PAL-XFEL의 성과와 과제 (Performance and Challenge of PAL-XFEL)"

운영자: 강흥식(포항가속기), 구태영(포항가속기), 허훈(포항가속기), 엄인태(포항가속기) [Organizer: KANG Heung-Sik (PAL), KOO Tae-Yeong (PAL), HEO Hoon (PAL), EOM Intae (PAL)]

Time/Room : October 26 (Thursday) 08:30 - 10:30 / Room 604

2017년 이후 이용자 지원을 개시한 PAL-XFEL 엑스선 자유전자레이저 시설은 탁월한 성능과 안정성을 바탕으로 현대사회의 당면문제인 에너지, 환경, 바이오, 양자 문제해결에 원자수준/펨토초의 시공간 분해능의 선두를 달리는 최첨단 과학연구시설이다. 하지만 매우 한정된 빔라인 수와 빔타임 배정으로 극히 소수의 연구자들의 연구수요만 충족되어지고 있는 상황이다. 이의 근본적인 해결방안으로 추가적으로 광원라인을 증설함으로써 많은 연구자들이 적시에 의미 있는 연구결과 창출과 새로운 연구분야 확장을 통한 경쟁력 제고를 위한 목적으로 언듀레이터 라인 증설의 중요성을 널리 알리고 그 방안을 모색하기 위함이다

The PAL-XFEL X-ray free electron laser facility, which started user services since 2017, is a state-of-the-art scientific research facility that leads the atomic levels/femtoseconds spatio-temporal resolution in solving energy, environmental, bio, and quantum problems. However, with the very limited number of beamlines and beam time allocation, only a very small number of researchers' needs are being met. As a fundamental solution to this issue, we are trying to publicize the importance of additional construction of the undulator line with the aim of creating meaningful research results in a timely manner and enhancing competitiveness by expanding new research areas.   


•  EOM Intae (PAL): “PAL-XFEL status and plan”

•  CHUN Sae Hwan (PAL): “Hard X-ray instrument at PAL-XFEL for the study of energy and quantum materials”

•  KIM Bumjoon (POSTECH): “Evidence for fractional quasiparticles in frustrated square-lattice iridates”

•  SONG Changyong (POSTECH): “Ultrafast and nanoscale imaging with XFELs”

•  NAM Inhyuk (PAL): “HX-2 FEL line construction plan”