Oral Sessions

2024 KPS Spring Meeting

Wednesday-Friday, April 19-21, 2023; Daejeon Convention Center & IBS SCC
Session B16-pa: Focus: Synergy between High Energy Phenomenology and Quantum Information II
2:00 PM-3:48 PM, Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Room: IBS SCC Auditorium
Chair: 배준우, 한국과학기술원
Abstract: B16.02 : Theory-driven Quantum Machine Learning for HEP
(Physics, IPPP Durham Uni, UK)

ARAZ Jack *1, SPANNOWSKY Michael 1
(1Physics, IPPP Durham Uni, UK)
Machine Learning is, in most cases, powerful but a black-box application. In this talk, we will tackle this very problem from a quantum mechanics point of view, arguing that an optimisation problem, such as classification or anomaly detection, can be studied by “rephrasing" the problem as a quantum many-body system or a mixed state. Such an approach allows us to employ the entire arsenal of quantum theory for data analysis techniques while enabling exact representation for a quantum device. Hence this talk will present a small step towards fully theory-driven and interpretable quantum machine learning applications.

Quantum Machine Learning, Tensor Networks, Quantum Computing