Oral Sessions

2024 KPS Spring Meeting

Wednesday-Friday, November 4-6, 2020; Virtual Conference
Session F7-co: [F] Synchrotron x-ray studies for advanced electronic materials and quantum mechanical properties II
9:00 AM-10:48 AM, Friday, November 06, 2020
Room: 07
Chair: 서정화, 동아대학교 신소재물리학과
Abstract: F7.03 : Time resolved measurement of topological spin structure by using soft x-ray microscopy
LEE Ki-Suk
(School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNIST)

HAN Hee-Sung 1, LEE Sooseok 1, YU Young-Sang 2, HONG Jung-Il 3, IM Mi-Young 4, LEE Ki-Suk *1
(1School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNIST, 2Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, 3Department of Emerging Materials Science, DGIST, 4Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
In any change of the topological charge in a three dimensional (3D) spin configuration such as a vortex core and skyrmion switching, a Bloch point (BP) - a unique topological singularity should be mediated  [1-3]. Consequently, it is crucial to know the intrinsic nature of BP and its role in magnetization dynamics for understanding the various dynamical phenomena of spin structures. Since BP is a virtual point at which the local magnetization vanishes among lattice points as well as BP is rarely stabilized in magnetic nanostructures, the intrinsic natures of a BP and its dynamic behaviours have not been verified experimentally.
In this presentation, we demonstrate how to form stable BP in a ferromagnetic patterned nanodisk which can provide a flatform for experimental observation of  BP and its dynamic behaviour. We successfully formed a steady-state BP in the middle of elongated magnetic vortex core structures in asymmetrically shaped Ni80Fe20 nanodisks [4] . By using the magnetic transmission soft X-ray microscopy (MTXM) at the Advanced Light Source [5], we measured detailed static and dynamic characteristics of BPs. Based on time-resolved nanoscale magnetic X-ray imaging combined with micromagnetic simulations, the role of BP in vortex-core dynamics will be elucidated in this presentation.

[1]   Thiaville, A. & Miltat, J. Europhys. Lett. 26, 57 (1994).
[2]   Wohlhüter, P. et al. Nat. Commun. 6, 7836 (2015).
[3]   Noske, M., Stoll, H., Fähnle, M., Hertel, R. & Schütz, G. Phys. Rev. B 91, 014414 (2015).
[4]   Im, M., Han, H.-S., et al. Nature Commun. 10, 593 (2019)
[5]   Fischer, P. et al. Mater. Today 9, 26–33 (2006).

Spin, Time resolved measurement, Bloch point, spin singularity, Magnetic vortex