학술행사 안내

  • SNU Physics/IBS-CCES Distinguished Lecture Series
  • 작성자 관리자 등록일 2019-12-19 조회수 3730
  • SNU Physics/IBS-CCES Distinguished Lecture Series

    2020.01.06. - 01.07. (2-3 pm , 3:30–4:30 pm, every day)
    Bldg. 56-106, Seoul National University

    "Novel Magneto-transport phenomena in topological materials" by Prof. Shun-Qing Shen (University of HongKong)

    Lecture 1 (Jan 6, Mon, 2-3 pm):
    - Introduction to topological quantum material

    Lecture 2 (Jan 6, Mon, 3:30-4:30 pm):
    - Construction of topological systems

    Lecture 3 (Jan 7, Tue, 2-3 pm):
    - Novel magnetotransport phenomena topological materials: intrinsic magnetoresistance

    Lecture 4 (Jan 7, Tue, 3:30-4:30 pm):
    - Novel magnetotransport phenomena topological materials: weak localization and antiloclization, and anomaly-related magentoresistance

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