학술행사 안내

  • [APCTP LECTURE] Gravitational drama: the actors on the backstage
  • 작성자 관리자 등록일 2020-10-06 조회수 365
  • VENUE APCTP HQ, Pohang & Online via ZOOM

    PERIOD Oct. 6 (Tue.), 2020 / 16:00 (KST)

    ZOOM LINK https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0sc-iorzkiGNzKYSN_n0274saa5-MPMyyv


    I will introduce gravity from complementary perspectives and ask the main protagonists to join the stage. Based on the assumption that General Relativity is the underlying theory of gravity I will introduce the standard model of cosmology and discuss the tenacious challenges we are facing within this framework. Starting from the defining key properties of General Relativity I will explain in which consistent ways these properties can be altered. We will then see how we can use different observational channels and theoretical consistency checks in order to critically assess the underlying gravity theory.







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