학술행사 안내

  • [APCTP TRP] 125th StatPhys Monthly Meeting
  • 작성자 관리자 등록일 2021-06-01 조회수 434

    125th StatPhys Monthly Meeting


    VENUE Online via ZOOM

    PERIOD June 19(Sat.), 2021




     emergent behaviors in complex systems composed of strongly interacting many degrees of freedom. Owing to general applicability, statistical physics has been broadening its research area from the traditional realm of equilibrium systems to interdisciplinary complex systems emerging in physics, biology, sociology, ecology, economics and so on. These systems are complex in the sense that they are composed of a large number of mutually interacting dynamical parts. It is important to understand the emerging macroscopic universal properties from the microscopic interactions. Therefore, the statistical physics approach is one of the best theoretical tools.


    We strongly believe that regular meeting of scientists in the fields of statistical physics and related disciplines are important in order to catch up recent research achievements. Through the present topical program, we plan to provide a room for local scientists to build up a collaborative research network for non-equilibrium statistical physics research. We will invite two speakers each month during the semester and cover the various subjects in non-equilibrium statistical physics including phase transitions and critical phenomena, renormalization group analysis, percolation, spin glasses, evolutionary dynamics, random walks, molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations, and so on. We also plan to invite scientists in other areas like biology, chemistry, economics, financial engineering etc, to provide broad perspective to domestic statistical physicists. The organizers of the program will have regular discussions and will decide speakers according to the current rapid development of the subjects. In addition to the domestic speakers, we are planning to invite international speakers in diverse regions and help the local scientists to develop close academic relationship with them. We hope to invite those foreign speakers who are visiting research institutes like KIAS and APCTP for other purposes.





    Sang-hoon Lee

    Gyeongsang National University

    Nam-Kyung Lee

    Sejong University





    Jae Dong Noh

    University of Seoul

    Beom Jun Kim

    Sungkyunkwan University

    Hyunggyu Park


    Soon-Huyung Yook

    Kyung Hee University

    Jae-Hyung Jeon












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