The 2023 KPS Fall Meeting will be held in Changwon Exhibition Convention Center, from October 24 (Tue) to October 27 (Fri.) in 2023. The conference program is now available on our websites above.
The presenter of the meeting should check the program. Please email us ( by September 26 (Tue.) if there should be any change in the presentation schedule or modifications in the abstract. (Abstract revision is restricted to minor typo corrections and reordering of the authors.)
♣ Abstract Submission Period
July 21(Fri.) ~ August 25(Fri.), 2023
♣ Online pre-registration
July 21(Fri.) ~ October 17 (Tue.), 2023
♣ Program Announcement
September 19 (Tue.), 2023
♣ Presentation Schedule Modification
September 19 (Tue.) ~ September 26 (Tue.), 2023
Prof. Edward Witten
Professor, School of Natural Sciences, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
TIME: October 26 (Thu.) 10:30 - 11:18
TITLE: Black Hole Thermodynamics: Then and Now
Black hole thermodynamics started with the work of Bekenstein and Hawking in the early 1970's, interpreting the area of a black hole horizon as a form of entropy. This is a thermodynamic entropy which obeys a generalized second law of thermodynamics. In modern developments, a microscopic or fine-grained von Neumann entropy is increasingly important. Under unitary evolution, it is constant even though thermodynamic entropy may increase. A fundamental step in understanding fine-grained entropy in gravity was the Ryu-Takayanagi formula, discovered in 2006. In this lecture, I will review some of the old and new developments.
• [Particles and Fields, Nuclear Physics] Present and Future of the LHC Program at CERN
• [Applied Physics] Emergent Spin-Related Phenomena at Different Dimensionalities
• [Plasma Physics] Novel Ideas in Laser-Plasma Physics
• [Atomic and Molecular Physics] Quantum Effects of Superradiance and Their Applications
• [Semiconductor Physics] Optical Microscopy of Ultrafast Light-exciton Interaction
• [Astrophysics] Gravitational Wave Background and Pulsar Timing Array Observation
• [Nuclear Physics] The KPS-JPS Joint Symposium on EIC (Electron-Ion Collider) Physics
• [Condensed Matter Physics] Upgrade of Advanced Photon Source and Studies of Extreme Materials