학술행사 안내

  • Now Program Released, for 2023 KPS Fall Meeting
  • 작성자 관리자 등록일 2023-09-19 조회수 1262
  • Oral & Poster Programs

    Now, the programs is released!  

    Early Bird Registration

    Deadline: Oct. 17 (Tue.), 2023, 17:00 (GMT+9)  

    Dear members of the Korean Physical Society,

    The 2023 KPS Fall Meeting will be held in Changwon Exhibition Convention Center, from October 24 (Tue) to October 27 (Fri.) in 2023. The conference program is now available on our websites above.

    The presenter of the meeting should check the program. Please email us (abstracts@kps.or.kr) by September 26 (Tue.) if there should be any change in the presentation schedule or modifications in the abstract. (Abstract revision is restricted to minor typo corrections and reordering of the authors.)


    ♣ Abstract Submission Period

    July 21(Fri.) ~ August 25(Fri.), 2023

    ♣ Online pre-registration

    July 21(Fri.) ~ October 17 (Tue.), 2023

    ♣ Program Announcement

    September 19 (Tue.), 2023

    ♣ Presentation Schedule Modification

    September 19 (Tue.) ~ September 26 (Tue.), 2023



    Prof. Edward Witten

    Professor, School of Natural Sciences, The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University

    TIME: October 26 (Thu.) 10:30 - 11:18

    TITLE: Black Hole Thermodynamics: Then and Now

    ABSTRACT: Black hole thermodynamics started with the work of Bekenstein and Hawking in the early 1970's, interpreting the area of a black hole horizon as a form of entropy. This is a thermodynamic entropy which obeys a generalized second law of thermodynamics. In modern developments, a microscopic or fine-grained von Neumann entropy is increasingly important. Under unitary evolution, it is constant even though thermodynamic entropy may increase. A fundamental step in understanding fine-grained entropy in gravity was the Ryu-Takayanagi formula, discovered in 2006. In this lecture, I will review some of the old and new developments.


    [Particles and Fields, Nuclear Physics] Present and Future of the LHC Program at CERN

    [Applied Physics] Emergent Spin-Related Phenomena at Different Dimensionalities

    [Plasma Physics] Novel Ideas in Laser-Plasma Physics

    [Atomic and Molecular Physics] Quantum Effects of Superradiance and Their Applications

    [Semiconductor Physics] Optical Microscopy of Ultrafast Light-exciton Interaction

    [Astrophysics] Gravitational Wave Background and Pulsar Timing Array Observation


    [Nuclear Physics] The KPS-JPS Joint Symposium on EIC (Electron-Ion Collider) Physics

    [Condensed Matter Physics] Upgrade of Advanced Photon Source and Studies of Extreme Materials


    [Particles and Fields] 가속기 현상론 (Collider Phenomenology) | 초청연사: 박찬범(전남대), 김정한(충북대), 강동우(전북대)

    [Condensed-Matter Physics] 양자물질 연구를 위한 시분해 분광실험 (Time-resolved Spectroscopy on Quantum Materials) | 초청연사: 김경완 (충북대), 장호영 (XFEL)

    [Condensed-Matter Physics, Applied Physics & Biological Physics] 마이크로플루이딕스와 유변학 : 원리와 응용 (Microfluidics & Rheology : Principle and Application) | 초청연사: WEITZ David (Harvard University), MCKINLEY Gareth (M.I.T.)

    [Applied Physics] 에너지 소재의 실험 기반 분석 기술 (Energy Materials Experiment-based Analysis) | 초청연사: 정용덕(ETRI)

    [Semiconductor Physics] 반도체 양자점: 원리와 이를 이용한 양자 광원 연구 (Quantum Dot: Physics and Applications to Quantum Light Sources) | 초청연사: 이동한(충남대)

    [Biological Physics] 알파폴드2의 기초 및 응용 (Fundamentals and Applications of Alphafold2) | 초청연사: 유제중(성균관대)

    More information on 2023 KPS Fall Meeting >> (click)

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