
  • [IBS-CTPU] 2022-1 Recruitment Announcement for Senior Researcher positions at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe
  • 작성자 관리자 등록일 2022-03-08 조회수 500
  • 2022-1 Recruitment Announcement for Senior Researcher positions
    at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe

    The Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe (CTPU) (http://ctpu.ibs.re.kr) at Institute for Basic Science (http://www.ibs.re.kr), South Korea, invites applications for one or two researcher positions in Theoretical High Energy Physics, with particular emphasis on String Theory and Quantum Gravity and their phenomenological implications. The positions can start anytime in 2022. The initial appointment will be for 2 years, and can be extended for an additional year subject to the performance review and funding situation*.

    The research group at the CTPU involves 6 faculty members (Kiwoon Choi, Jai-chan Hwang, Sanghyeon Chang, Sang Hui Im, Seung-Joo Lee and Pablo Soler), as well as 1 YSF fellow and 14 postdoctoral research fellows**. We also have affiliate faculty members (Myeonghun Park and Chang Sub Shin) who are actively working with our group members. The official language at the center is English.

    Research interests of our group cover broad areas of theoretical high energy physics and cosmology, including physics beyond the Standard Model, collider phenomenology, dark matter, early Universe cosmology, large scale structure of the Universe, string compactifications and their phenomenological consequences. We have strong ties to the cosmology group at KASI (http://cosmology.kasi.re.kr). We also have close relations with the experimental centers hosted by IBS: the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (http://capp.ibs.re.kr) and the Center for Underground Physics (http://cupweb.ibs.re.kr).

    Applications should include CV, publication list, research statement, Consent form to Provide Personal Information***, and at least three letters of recommendation. For full consideration, application materials including the letters should be submitted to ctpu_recruit@ibs.re.kr by March 21, 2022 Midnight as KST.

    ※ References letters must be sent to ctpu_recruit@ibs.re.kr directly from the writers and any letters from the applicants will not be accepted.

    * The term can be extended once, and the additional term is 1 year. A researcher with an exceptionally good performance might get a longer additional term. (The additional term cannot exceed 3 years)
    **The official title of IBS postdoctoral research fellow is Senior Researcher.
    ***The Consent form can be found in the link https://www.ibs.re.kr/prog/recruit/eng/sub04_01/view.do?pageIndex=1&searchCondition=&searchKeyword=&idx=1363  

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